CLeopards in the night, Guy Muldoon - With drawings by Ralph Thomson - Few men can ever have known the great fauna of Africa better, loved them more and killed so many of them as the author of this book. The paradox is not unfamiliar, but here the killing has not been done for sport. Guy Muldoon is an Agricultural Officer in Nothern Nyassland, who, in the course of his duties, has had to protect the lives and the livelihoods of the natives in his area against the depredations of leopard, lions, elephants, buffaloes, gorillas, corcodiles and other of the wild beasts which ravage crops, carry off cattle and not infrequently kill human beings. For this purpose he has had to make a profound study of the characters and habits of all these diverse creatures. Indeed, he is able to insert a delightful chapter on his attemps to bring up tow leopard cubs whose mother he had been compelled to destroy. It is hard to say which is the more enthralling, his accounts of his hunts, in which he had to pit human ingenuity and courage agains the cunning, strength and ferocity of his quaries, or his description of their habits when confronted with the resolute enmity of man. Edition Rupert Hart Davis, London, England, 1955. #chasse, #chasseurs, #faune sauvage, #chasseurs de tigres, #chasse en Afrique, #traque des animaux sauvages, #léopards, #hunter, #wild fauna, #hunt in Afrika, #Ralph Thomson, #roman anglais, #english novel, #wild animals, #tigers, #animaux sauvages, #faune, #félins, #tigres, #fauves
CLeopards in the night, Guy Muldoon - With drawings by Ralph Thomson - Few men can ever have known the great fauna of Africa better, loved them more and killed so many of them as the author of this book. The paradox is not unfamiliar, but here the killing has not been done for sport. Guy Muldoon is an Agricultural Officer in Nothern Nyassland, who, in the course of his duties, has had to protect the lives and the livelihoods of the natives in his area against the depredations of leopard, lions, elephants, buffaloes, gorillas, corcodiles and other of the wild beasts which ravage crops, carry off cattle and not infrequently kill human beings. For this purpose he has had to make a profound study of the characters and habits of all these diverse creatures. Indeed, he is able to insert a delightful chapter on his attemps to bring up tow leopard cubs whose mother he had been compelled to destroy. It is hard to say which is the more enthralling, his accounts of his hunts, in which he had to pit human ingenuity and courage agains the cunning, strength and ferocity of his quaries, or his description of their habits when confronted with the resolute enmity of man.
Edition Rupert Hart Davis, London, England, 1955. #chasseurs, #faune sauvage, #chasseurs de tigres, #chasse en Afrique, #traque des animaux sauvages, #léopards, #hunter, #wild fauna, #hunt in Afrika, #Ralph Thomson, #roman anglais, #english novel, #wild animals, #tigers, #animaux sauvages, #félins, #tigres,
Description : bon état. Livre broché, avec jaquette. La page de garde vierge a une inscription ex-dono manuscrite au style. Le dos de la jaquette est un peu usé.
Description : livre relié, couverture cartonnée, avec jaquette, 233 pages. format 22 cm x 14,5 cm. bon état. signature manuscrite sur la page de garde.
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