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Îles Salomon - My South Sea Island, Eric Muspratt, 1946 - îles Océan Pacifique,

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My South Sea Island, by Eric Muspratt - The Travel Book Club - With, on the title page, the stamp of "Universal Book Club, Taraporevala Sons, Bombay." - Ce livre raconte le séjour de l'auteur australien dans les îles Salomon en 1920, placé sous le Protectorat britannique jusqu'en 1942.  La mission d'Eric Muspratt était de seconder le propriétaire d'une plantation de noix de coco dans les îles Salomon. "This South Sea adventure came shortly after the war. (...)  It  was an offer to take over the management of a coconut plantation on the Island of San Cristoval, British Solomons, a temporary job for six months. Consulting a map, I discovered my prospective island as the most outlying of a strung-out group about ten degrees south of the equator. Il lay about two thousand miles off the mainland of Australiea in the South Pacific Ocean - undoubtedly a real South Sea island. (...) There came a letter of instructions from Melbourne. With the letter was a large scale chart of San Cristoval showing reefs, lagoons and anchorages; here and there was a headland named by the Admiralty surveyors. Through the island was nearly a hundred miles long by about twenty wide, there was nothing marked in the interior but a few short rivers and several ranges of mountains. Even along the coastline there were no markings of towns, villages or human settlements of any kind. Only my plantation was outlined in pencil, a comparatively insignificant patch of about a square mile by the mouth of a river. Near by was an anchorage and a very small island called Ugi. My little strip of beach looked northwards towards Ugi about twelve miles away. Beyond this was an expanse of ocean stretching away, unbroken but for a few far scarttered islands, some seeven thousand miles to the shores of Siberia and Alaska. (...) ." editions The Travel Book Club 1946 - #îles Salomon, #protectorat britannique, #island of San Cristoval, #pacific islands, #îles du Pacifique, #plantation de noix de coco


My South Sea Island, by Eric Muspratt - The Travel Book Club - With, on the title page, the stamp of "Universal Book Club, Taraporevala Sons, Bombay."

Ce livre raconte le séjour de l'auteur australien dans les îles Salomon en 1920, placé sous le Protectorat britannique jusqu'en 1942.  La mission d'Eric Muspratt était de seconder le propriétaire d'une plantation de noix de coco dans les îles Salomon. 

"This South Sea adventure came shortly after the war. (...) One day a letter came for me from Melbourne and suddenly changed all my plans and prospects. (..) It  was an offer to take over the management of a coconut plantation on the Island of San Cristoval, British Solomons, a temporary job for six months. Consulting a map, I discovered my prospective island as the most outlying of a strung-out group about ten degrees south of the equator. Il lay about two thousand miles off the mainland of Australiea in the South Pacific Ocean - undoubtedly a real South Sea island. (...) There came a letter of instructions from Melbourne. With the letter was a large scale chart of San Cristoval showing reefs, lagoons and anchorages; here and there was a headland named by the Admiralty surveyors. Through the island was nearly a hundred miles long by about twenty wide, there was nothing marked in the interior but a few short rivers and several ranges of mountains. Even along the coastline there were no markings of towns, villages or human settlements of any kind. Only my plantation was outlined in pencil, a comparatively insignificant patch of about a square mile by the mouth of a river. Near by was an anchorage and a very small island called Ugi. My little strip of beach looked northwards towards Ugi about twelve miles away. Beyond this was an expanse of ocean stretching away, unbroken but for a few far scarttered islands, some seeven thousand miles to the shores of Siberia and Alaska. (...) After six peaceful and uneventful days streaming, a faint smudge appeared on the clear horizon of the Pacific Ocean. The smudge slowly hardened in the bright sunshine into a green, reef-fringed island. And there were the palm trees swaying and shimmering as the tales had told. Our ship came to achor some few hundred yards from the glittering white beach. It was nearing noon and the tropical sunlight was so cliear and strong that all the colours of that scene glittered and shone with its radiance. Between a sea and sky of rich luminous blue the Island of Tulagi  rose in a glaring green mass from its foundation of clean, white coral." 

editions The Travel Book Club 1946 - #îles Salomon, #protectorat britannique, #island of San Cristoval, #pacific islands, #îles du Pacifique, #plantation de noix de coco

Description : livre relié, couverture toilé, avec jaquette, 256 pages, format 20 cm x 13,5 cm. bon état intérieur. la jaquette est déchirée. légère odeur de renfermé. 

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