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Flamenco, Lady Eleanor Smith - author of Red Wagon - roman édité en langue anglaise - "Des fées, des tziganes et sorcières ma nourrice me chantait ; à mon tour je chante les sorcières, les tziganes et les fées." The midday sun, beating red-hot upon the scorched and dusty thickets mantling the low hillside, seemed to pour a burning breath, like that of hell itself, upon the limp defenseless body of the man who lay concealed in a nest dug deep beneath a clump of cactus-bushes. He was Lobo, the Wolf, gipsy, suggler, bandit and murderer ; a price was on his heard, yet it was not for that reason that he cowered trembling like a wild beast in the thickets, but because he was a pariah, an outcast, spat at by this own brethrne, despised, distrusted and revilded. He had but two friends, Pépa, his wife, and a brother-in-law, the blind and verminous Antonio. Save for these two, and for his childrend, he was denied all intercourse with his fellows. As far as the Busné, or white folk, were concerned, he was indifferent. Edition The Bobbs Merrill Company Publishers, Indianapolis, 1931. #english novel, english litterature, books, littérature anglaise, livres anciens.
Flamenco, Lady Eleanor Smith - author of Red Wagon - roman édité en langue anglaise -
"Des fées, des tziganes et sorcières ma nourrice me chantait ; à mon tour je chante les sorcières, les tziganes et les fées."
The midday sun, beating red-hot upon the scorched and dusty thickets mantling the low hillside, seemed to pour a burning breath, like that of hell itself, upon the limp defenseless body of the man who lay concealed in a nest dug deep beneath a clump of cactus-bushes.
He was Lobo, the Wolf, gipsy, suggler, bandit and murderer ; a price was on his heard, yet it was not for that reason that he cowered trembling like a wild beast in the thickets, but because he was a pariah, an outcast, spat at by this own brethrne, despised, distrusted and revilded.
He had but two friends, Pépa, his wife, and a brother-in-law, the blind and verminous Antonio. Save for these two, and for his childrend, he was denied all intercourse with his fellows. As far as the Busné, or white folk, were concerned, he was indifferent.
Edition The Bobbs Merrill Company Publishers, Indianapolis, 1931. #english novel, english litterature, books, littérature anglaise, livres anciens.
Description : livre relié, couverture cartonnée, 395 pages. format 20.5 cm x 14 cm. bon état - Signature manuscrite sur la page de titre.
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