The flora of the South Indian Hill stations, two volumes, by Philip Furley Fyson, Principal Presidency College, Madras - Rare livre sur la flore de l'Inde, et Madras, au temps de l'Empire Colonial, en deux volumes, Avec 611 gravures hors-texte, ootacamund, coonoor, kotagiri, kodaikanal, yercaud and the country round - With 611 full page plates by Fyson, Lady Bourne, R. Natesan - Philip Furley Fyson (1877–1947) was a botanist and educator who worked in India. He is noted as the author of the first illustrated volumes on the flora of the South Indian hills. The volume 2 is entirerly ornate with the engravings drawn by the wife of Phileip Furley Fyson. Glossary of the commoner botanic terms used - note on botanical nomenclature - changes in names of genera - species extra to or named differently from those in the flora of the Madras presidency - key to the families and certain abnormal genera or species - descriptive text - appendix - editions Superintendent, Government Press, Padras, 1932 - #flore, #flore en Inde, #fleurs Inde, #gravures flore, #dessins flore, #gravure botanique, #indian flora, #exotic flora, #flora Madras, #Indian flowers, #flore, #botanique, #flore Indes #végétaux Indes, #fleurs Indes, #Indochine, #Madras, #flowers plates, #flora plates, #flora engravings, #végétation Indes, #english books, #rare books,
The flora of the South Indian Hill stations, two volumes, by Philip Furley Fyson, Principal Presidency College, Madras - Rare livre sur la flore de l'Inde, et Madras, au temps de l'Empire Colonial, en deux volumes, Avec 611 gravures hors-texte, - With 611 full page plates by Fyson, Lady Bourne, R. Natesan -
Philip Furley Fyson (1877–1947) was a botanist and educator who worked in India. He is noted as the author of the first illustrated volumes on the flora of the South Indian hills. The volume 2 is entirerly ornate with the engravings drawn by the wife of Phileip Furley Fyson.
Glossary of the commoner botanic terms used - note on botanical nomenclature - changes in names of genera - species extra to or named differently from those in the flora of the Madras presidency - key to the families and certain abnormal genera or species - descriptive text - appendix -
editions Superintendent, Government Press, Padras, 1932 - #flore, #flore en Inde, #fleurs Inde, #gravures flore, #dessins flore, #gravure botanique, #indian flora, #exotic flora, #flora Madras, #Indian flowers, #flore, #botanique, #flore Indes #végétaux Indes, #fleurs Indes, #Indochine, #Madras, #flowers plates, #flora plates, #flora engravings, #végétation Indes, #english books, #rare books,
Description : Deux livres reliés avec couverture cartonnée, avec 697 pages et 611 pages, format 22,5 cm x 15 cm, épaisseur totale 9 cm (5 cm et 4 cm). bon état intérieur, couverture usagée.
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