Born free, a lioness of two worlds, Joy Adamson - with extracts from George Adamson's letters - This book records the extraordinary relationship with a Kenya lioness established by the author over a period of four years, and still existing. There have been many, too many, "pet lions" but none has ever before been returned to a wild life and still mantained its relationship with human beings. The secret of Elsa is that she was never treated as a "pet". Reared by the Adamsons from a four day old cub, they established from the very beginning an atmosphere of mutual respect by which Elsa was taught to obey the laws of society inside the camp while outside it the Adamsons respected the laws of Elsa's wild inheritance. On this understanding Elsa shared in all their activities - when they shot, she retrieved; when they bathed in the sea, she bathed too; when they went on safari, she rode on the roof of the Land-Rover. Not because she was taught to do these things but because she wanted to. But when it came to the bush the Adamsons, like model but rare parents, only held a watching brief. As a cub they saw her tease and bite a bull elephant, the elephant charged - and Elsa learnt respect. Because they never discouraged her natural instincts the Adamsons learnt as much about lions as Elsa did about human beings. When she was three years old they decided that it was right that she should return to the freedom to which she was born, but it required infinite patience and skill to make her aware of her heritage. Sha had never killed, never even opened a carcase, months passed before she learnt to become the competent wild lioness which she is today.
Edition Collins and Harvill Press, London, 1960. #lions, #wild animals, #Afrikan lions, #hunters, #Kenya lions, #biography of Joy Adamson, #lions, #félins, #grands fauves, #fauves d'Afrique, #réserve Kenya, #trafic d'animaux sauvages, #braconniers, #animaux en danger, #biographie, #protecteur faune, #braconniers, #Joy Adamson,
Born free, a lioness of two worlds, Joy Adamson - with extracts from George Adamson's letters - preface by Lord William Percy - foreword by Captain Charles Pitman - édition originale, beau livre richement illustré de photographies en noir et blanc. George Adamson a été assassiné par des braconniers en 1989. Sa femme Joy avait été assassinée auparavant.
This book records the extraordinary relationship with a Kenya lioness established by the author over a period of four years, and still existing. There have been many, too many, "pet lions" but none has ever before been returned to a wild life and still mantained its relationship with human beings.
The secret of Elsa is that she was never treated as a "pet". Reared by the Adamsons from a four day old cub, they established from the very beginning an atmosphere of mutual respect by which Elsa was taught to obey the laws of society inside the camp while outside it the Adamsons respected the laws of Elsa's wild inheritance. On this understanding Elsa shared in all their activities - when they shot, she retrieved; when they bathed in the sea, she bathed too; when they went on safari, she rode on the roof of the Land-Rover. Not because she was taught to do these things but because she wanted to. But when it came to the bush the Adamsons, like model but rare parents, only held a watching brief. As a cub they saw her tease and bite a bull elephant, the elephant charged - and Elsa learnt respect. Because they never discouraged her natural instincts the Adamsons learnt as much about lions as Elsa did about human beings. When she was three years old they decided that it was right that she should return to the freedom to which she was born, but it required infinite patience and skill to make her aware of her heritage. Sha had never killed, never even opened a carcase, months passed before she learnt to become the competent wild lioness which she is today.
Then perhaps the most remarkable aspect of Elsa's chaaracter developed : for now whenever the Adamsons visit her area, at the signal of a thunder flash or a rifle shot, she will come racing out of the bush to resume, for the few days they spend with her, the old relationship of friendship and equality. Afterwards she returns to the lion with whom she has mated.
On December 29th we received a cable to say that Elsa had given birth to cubs.
Had her expereriences come to her when deprived of cameras or without the friends who shared these experiences, it might well be doubted whether Mrs. Adamson would have dared to risk her reputation for veracity by publishing them. Perhaps never before over a similar period has the life history of an animal been documented in greater detail by hundreds of photographs, over one hundred of which form the illustrations of this book.
Edition Collins and Harvill Press, London, 1960. #lions, #wild animals, #Afrikan lions, #Kenya lions, #biography of Joy Adamson, #lions, #félins, #grands fauves, #fauves d'Afrique, #réserve Kenya, #trafic d'animaux sauvages, #braconniers, #animaux en danger, #biographie, #protecteur faune, #braconniers, #Joy Adamson,
Description : livre relié, couverture cartonnée, avec jaqette, 159 pages. format 25 cm x 17,5 cm. bon état. inscription et signature manuscrite sur la page de garde.
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