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Art of the medieval world, George Zarnecki, 1975 - Moyen Age, art médiéval, architecture, sculpture, peinture, arts sacrés

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Art of the medieval world, George Zarnecki - Architecture, sculpture, painting, the sacred arts - Manuel universitaire en anglais.  Early places of worship and pre-Constantinian art - Constantine the Great and the art of the fourth century - art in the East and West until the eighth century - art of the Dark Ages : Lombard and pre-Carolingian art in Italy - Visigothic art in Spain - Merovingian art - early Irish and Anglo-Saxon art  The Carolingian Renaissance - Middle Byzantine art - Armenian and Georgian art - ottonian art - First Romanesque and mozarabic art - late Anglo-Saxon and Viking art - Romanesque art : early Romanesque art in France and Spain - romanesque art in Burgundy - romanesque art in central and south Italy - later romanesque art in southwe and west France - romanesque art in Normandy - German romanesque art - romanesque art in Scandinavia and Central Europe - romanesque art in the Crusading Kingdom - Late Byzantine art - Gothic art : early and High Gothic architecture - Transitional style in sculpture, metalwork and painting - Rayonnant architecture - towns and castles - gothic sculpture of the Thirteenth century - Court style in France and England - Later Gothic art - chronological chart - glossary. edition Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New-Jersey, and Harry Abrams, New-York, 1975#art médiéval, #histoire médiévale, #art Moyen Age, #architecture Moyen Age, #art byzantin, #Constantinople, #art carolingien, #art Viking, #art Anglo-Saxon, #art roman, #art roman en Europe, #architecture gothique, art gothique, #Middle age history


Art of the medieval world, George Zarnecki - Architecture, sculpture, painting, the sacred arts - Beau livre d'art grand format richement illustré - Manuel universitaire en anglais. 

Early places of worship and pre-Constantinian art - Constantine the Great and the art of the fourth century - art in the East and West until the eighth century -

art of the Dark Ages : Lombard and pre-Carolingian art in Italy - Visigothic art in Spain - Merovingian art - early Irish and Anglo-Saxon art  The Carolingian Renaissance - Middle Byzantine art - Armenian and Georgian art - ottonian art - First Romanesque and mozarabic art - late Anglo-Saxon and Viking art -

Romanesque art : early Romanesque art in France and Spain - romanesque art in Burgundy - romanesque art in central and south Italy - later romanesque art in southwe and west France - romanesque art in Normandy - German romanesque art - romanesque art in Scandinavia and Central Europe - romanesque art in the Crusading Kingdom -

Late Byzantine art - Gothic art : early and High Gothic architecture - Transitional style in sculpture, metalwork and painting - Rayonnant architecture - towns and castles - gothic sculpture of the Thirteenth century - Court style in France and England - Later Gothic art - chronological chart - glossary.

edition Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New-Jersey, and Harry Abrams, New-York, 1975. #art médiéval, #histoire médiévale, #art Moyen Age, #architecture Moyen Age, #art byzantin, #Constantinople, #art carolingien, #art Viking, #art Anglo-Saxon, #art roman, #art roman en Europe, #architecture gothique, art gothique, #Middle age history

Description : livre relié, couverture toilée, avec jaquette, 475 pages - format 30 cm x 23 cm, épaisseur 4 cm. bon état. la jaquette a quelques déchirures. 

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